Private Massage Therapies

Take a look below and choose the right therapy for you.

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage or Thai yoga massage is an ancient healing system combining with acupressure of an Indian Ayurveda principles and assisted with yoga postures.

  • Aids deep relaxation
  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Stress relief
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Headache relief
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Improved athletic performance

What to expect during a Thai massage

There are a few factors that set traditional Thai massage apart, so consider the following points before you arrive:

Remain fully clothed

If you're in the market for a relaxing snooze set to tinkly music you might get a surprise, so come prepared for an active rub down. Wear loose, comfortable clothes that won't restrict your movements, as traditional Thai massage is performed fully clothed.

Don't eat before your massage

Thai massage has some active elements, so it's best if you arrive on an empty stomach, similar to if you were attending an exercise class. When you come for a Thai massage you must not eat one hour before the massage. During the massage, for best results you should breath deeply in and out. This is the best thing you can do by letting your body and your mind calm and relax.

Start on your back

In contrast to other forms of massage you start on your back, not your stomach, and often manoeuvre into different positions, so prepare to limber up.

Trust your massage therapist

Your massage therapist usually sets up the poses while you lie still, before gently pushing and pulling your limbs to stretch and release muscles, so lie back and trust in your therapist.

Keep an open mind

At different points during the session your massage therapist may be pushing, pulling, and kneading you - and don't be surprised if they even start walking on you (lightly) for additional pressure!

Speak up if you're in pain

If something twinges or doesn't feel right, make sure you let them know. 'During the massage you may have some pain from muscle tension which is normal but if you can’t take over the pain, please always let the therapist know immediately,' says Greene.

Aromatherapy Oil Massage

A light, calming massage using a blend of oils, which works the whole body. Using blended aromatherapy oils, this massage is personally tailored to the individual’s needs. This massage will treat all areas of the body most prone to stress and tension, such as the back, shoulders and neck, along with the upper and lower legs, arms and hands.

  • Relief of stress and tension
  • Deep relaxation
  • Stimulated immune system

  • Calm and soothed mind
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved blood and lymph circulation
  • Nourished and moisturised skin

What to expect from an oil massage

Depending on the aromatherapy treatment you have chosen, you can decide how much or how little you want to wear. Essential oils can stain, so it might be wise to bring old clothes.

Watch what you eat and drink beforehand; some essential oils, such as clary sage, don't go well with alcohol and could make you feel sick.

At the start of a typical aromatherapy consultation, your therapist will ask about your medical history, general health, diet, sleep patterns and lifestyle. This is to help her decide which oils are most appropriate for you. Aromatherapists are not trained to make a medical diagnosis.

After choosing your essential oils, the massage therapist will blend them with a carrier oil (such as grapeseed or almond oil), then gently warm the mixture. Adding heat to the oil helps your skin to absorb it more effectively.

Depending on the treatment you're having, the therapist will massage the oil into your hands, feet or entire body. Your massage will be smooth and flowing, designed to instil a sense of relaxation and calm.

Every session is tailored towards you, your health and your mood at the time, so every session is unique. Aromatherapy usually lasts for about an hour, although your initial consultation might take longer.

Afterwards, you'll probably want to lie back and enjoy smelling beautiful for a while. Take time out to relax before you dash off anywhere. You may like to treat yourself to some essential oils to take home, too: use them for baths, in oil burners or for inhalation.

Thai Foot Massage

Foot massage will use special thumb and finger techniques to work on the feet. These reflex areas are connected to different part of the body, in fact affecting the entire body. The main benefits of a foot massage is relaxation and improved blood flow.

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Helps in relaxation

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Relieves body pain

  • Improves mood and fights depression

  • Makes feet healthier

What to expect from a Thai foot massage

Thai Foot Massage is a truly tension reliving massage. It involves hands on manipulation/ rotations, stretching and massage of the hips, knees, lower legs and feet, along with the stimulation of the reflex points on the feet.

Thai Foot massage works on similar principles as Reflexology covering the feet and the lower leg. It involves hands on massage and stretching techniques opening the ‘Sen’ energy lines, along with the use of a traditional Thai massage stick.

Pressure is applied on specific reflex points on the feet to stimulate the internal organs, encouraging the body and mind to balance as well as activating the body’s natural healing mechanism.  The circulation of both blood and lymphatic fluid will be improved and the immune system boosted as well as stimulating the elimination of toxins.

The treatment is a wonderful stress reliever, promoting deep relaxation as well as invigorating, and has the aim of balancing the body and encouraging good health.

Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage

Specifically targeting problem areas of muscle tension. Advanced massage techniques used to ease away the stresses and strains caused by daily life. Muscle tensions in the back, neck and shoulder areas will be eased, with the massage not only leaving you feeling exceptionally good, but relaxed and invigorated too.

  • Enhanced feeling of relaxation and contentment

  • Relief from pain
  • Release of endorphins
  • Improved blood and lymph circulation

  • Increased energy levels and feels of vitality

  • Injury recovery

  • General sense of health and well-being